Kenika - брошенные в бездну


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Ролевая открыта. Мы потерпели глобальный переворот и ждем единомышленников, новых игроков и стрых друзей =)


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Дорогие игроки, теперь и у нас появилась своя официальная группа вконтакте

так же прямая ссылка расположена на первом месте, в меню навигации



Внесены поправки в правила, просьба посмотреть Правила



Наконец-то мои руки дошли и зимний дизайн поменялся на весенний. Вскоре будут доделаны картинки в форумы, также они пойдут продолжением летнего дизайна.
Удачной всем игры, ваш Miracle



По просьбам многих ролевая вновь открыта.



Мы потерпели перестройку. Теперь наша ролевая полностью принадлежит миру фэнтази! Скоро будут обновлены игровые локации

Все уже могут приступать к игре. Рекламить ролевую и звать друзей. Кеника снова живет



На нашей ролевой теперь работает "система отношений"
Плюсики и минусики в вашем распоряжении.

Также теперь каждый игрок может сам себе изменить статус



С ноября 2010 года наша ролевая "Кеника" переходит на зимнее время, дизайн сменился и ждет вашей критики здесь: "легкий зимний"



У нас новый чат! Он требует регистрацию.
Просьба всех играющих зарегистрироваться! :)



Miracle написал(а):

У нас новый чат!

сорри, но некайф. регнулсо, а не войти



Найтмар написал(а):

регнулсо, а не войти

почему не войти? что именно не так?



А У мене вообще не груззится(



А у меня все нормально) Но прежний чат мне нравился больше(



Пpивет pебята. Я крacивaя и непослушная девушка. Oченb хочу быть твoeй любoвницeй и другом! Со мнoй можно познакомитbcя на этом caйте



Anh, I know how to be silent when necessary, but now I really want to know what we are talking about, but I have no idea how to build a conversation further and what to do. Therefore, I suggest that we voice what we are talking about, and if so, what are we losing in essence? Well, let's just forget everything, at least let's pretend, I also see that you are twitching all over.
I woke up with an alarm. The clock was 6:00. I needed to go to college. And my mother was supposed to come at 8:00. I looked at Olya sleeping next to me. She slept on her stomach and her naked ass stuck up in dried sperm. Member immediately jumped up, and I climbed on top of Olya. I spread my hands around her buttocks. She woke up but didn't have time to say anything. How my cock entered her ass.
I added a compliment, after which a slight blush will appear on the woman's face.
After a minute of active massage of the breasts, Olga pushed me so that I lay down on the bench, and she took my penis in her hand and directed it into her vagina, after which she abruptly plunged the penis into the depths of her womb and began to make reciprocating movements, moaning quietly. Every time my penis was completely in Aunt Olya's uterus, it was like an electric shock. My balls shrunk incredibly and were ready to empty completely, but the ring tightly squeezed the base of the penis and did not allow it.
I'll talk about this later, let's go.
Because she was lightly dressed, I immediately noticed how the member began to get up. Suddenly, when we sat down on the sofa, I felt that her hand was reaching into my underpants. My shorts were not tightly tied, which made it easier for her to get a member. The first seconds I was like in a dream five and was not able to understand what was happening. This moment was not forgotten by me and I always remember how she took the head in her hand and began to stroke it. I realized that since our separation, she gained experience. It never crossed my mind to stop her. She skillfully caressed my genitals with her fingers and in response began to kiss her.
Having frightened her and myself, I stood in the elevator with an unfastened belt (it did not fasten in any way). By the way, I have long felt sexual attraction to her, but how else? Despite her 30 years, she looked good. She was approximately 165,170 tall and had a very sexy figure and often wore a skirt. Standing in front, still trying to buckle my seatbelt, I felt her watching my clumsy actions with a slight smile.
And now he left again, it seemed to her that from now on she was in his second place. She became the second plan.


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